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Smoky Quartz
Ben a’ Bhuird, Cairngorm Mountains, Grampian Region, Scotland, UK
55mm x 24mm x 20mm
Nice single crystal with good termination and a little bit of microcline included. My best specimen of smoky quartz from the Cairngorms. Doesn’t really compare with the ones from Arran. Collected from an in-situ pegmatite pocket 10m up a steep cliff-face. I traversed from the side to get to it, and plucked it from it’s resting place. (Author: Mike Wood)

Smoky Quartz
Ben a’ Bhuird, Cairngorm Mountains, Grampian Region, Scotland, UK
55mm x 24mm x 20mm
Nice single crystal with good termination and a little bit of microcline included. My best specimen of smoky quartz from the Cairngorms. Doesn’t really compare with the ones from Arran. Collected from an in-situ pegmatite pocket 10m up a steep cliff-face. I traversed from the side to get to it, and plucked it from it’s resting place. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 800 x 600
Tamaño fichero: 34.09 kbytes
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