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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Nagyagite, Rhodochrosite
Sacarîmb (ex Nagyág), Deva, Hunedoara Co., Romania
7x6x4 cm
Exclusive, very rare and uncommon sample, with many complete, large (up to 2 cm ) Nagyagite crystals preserved by the encrusting Rhodochrosite and Quartz. 
Usually large crystals of Nagyagite are broken, because it is very tender and fragile. From very old collection (late 1700-first 1800). (Author: Simone Citon)

Nagyagite, Rhodochrosite
Sacarîmb (ex Nagyág), Deva, Hunedoara Co., Romania
7x6x4 cm
Exclusive, very rare and uncommon sample, with many complete, large (up to 2 cm ) Nagyagite crystals preserved by the encrusting Rhodochrosite and Quartz.
Usually large crystals of Nagyagite are broken, because it is very tender and fragile. From very old collection (late 1700-first 1800). (Author: Simone Citon)

Dimensiones: 800 x 600
Tamaño fichero: 73.86 kbytes
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