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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Plumbogummite, Mimetite, Quartz, Limonite and  Manganese Oxides
Dry Ghyll, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Here we see what appears to be a layer of Mimetite with a layer of Plumbogummite on top of it with a layer of Manganese Oxide on top of that, neat eh? FOV 20 mm across approx (Author: nurbo)

Plumbogummite, Mimetite, Quartz, Limonite and Manganese Oxides
Dry Ghyll, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria.
Here we see what appears to be a layer of Mimetite with a layer of Plumbogummite on top of it with a layer of Manganese Oxide on top of that, neat eh? FOV 20 mm across approx (Author: nurbo)

Dimensiones: 750 x 443
Tamaño fichero: 49.11 kbytes
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