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Octahedral Pyrite; Huanzala Mine, Huallanca dist., Huanaco, Peru.
Specimen dimensions 60 x 38 x 24mm, xx to 31mm (edge), weight 98g. GN’s collection id 09PEP-001.
Taken in direct sunlight. (Author: Gerhard Niklasch)

Octahedral Pyrite; Huanzala Mine, Huallanca dist., Huanaco, Peru.
Specimen dimensions 60 x 38 x 24mm, xx to 31mm (edge), weight 98g. GN’s collection id 09PEP-001.
Taken in direct sunlight. (Author: Gerhard Niklasch)

Dimensiones: 600 x 426
Tamaño fichero: 38.14 kbytes
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